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Universities in Rwanda Address Challenges Faced by Students Seeking Internships

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During the National Conference that took place at East Africa University Rwanda, media outlets attended to disseminate on Rwandan national TV how ANSWER partners gathered to discuss the ongoing challenges faced by students, particularly concerning internships and support for those with disabilities.

Students across various universities in Rwanda have voiced concerns about the difficulty of securing internships despite their academic efforts. This issue was highlighted by several students during the workshop, emphasizing the impact it has on their education and future career prospects.

"The problem of finding internships has been a recurring issue for many students," said a representative from the Ministry of Education. "We are committed to addressing this issue comprehensively in the coming years to ensure that all students have fair opportunities to gain practical experience."

One of the critical issues discussed was the accessibility of education for students with disabilities. Many students with disabilities find that university infrastructure and support services are inadequate, hindering their academic progress and internship opportunities.

"Universities need to do more to accommodate students with disabilities," remarked Mr. Peter Kasaija, head of administration and finance at East Africa University Rwanda. "It's a challenge that requires collective effort from all stakeholders to ensure inclusivity and equal opportunities."

David, a permanent advisor to the Ministry of Education, echoed these sentiments, emphasizing the government's commitment to supporting all students, including those with disabilities, throughout their academic journey and beyond into their professional lives.

The workshop concluded with a commitment from participating universities to implement concrete measures to improve internship opportunities and support services for students with disabilities. This initiative marks a step forward in ensuring that all students in Rwanda receive the necessary resources and opportunities to succeed in their academic and professional endeavors.

As Rwanda continues to focus on enhancing its education system, particularly in higher education, initiatives like these are crucial in addressing systemic challenges and fostering a more inclusive learning environment for all students.

Velens Nzabonimana reporting for FLASH FM&TV, Nyagatare region.