
🤩 Get ready for these upcoming events starting next week in Kigali, Rwanda!
🔵 1st Multi-Stakeholder Forum (March 4) Objectives:
- Proposals for policy reform elaborated by the Multi-stakeholder Working Group (MSWG) will be presented to, and discussed with, a wider group of stakeholders to generate commitment of key stakeholders and ensure the reform proposals correspond to the needs of the target groups.
- The forum will cover inclusion strategic topics of particular interest, identified by the MSWG.
- Draft policy recommendations from working group meetingsand the Report on current status on inclusion at HE level in Rwanda with conclusions and recommendations (D8.3) will be discussed with, and reviewed by, the participants.
- The views expressed and recommendations gathered during this 1st Multi-Stakeholder Forum will be compiled in a document addressing the Ministry of Education (D8.4 Interim Multi-stakeholder forum report).
🟡 Management meeting (March 5-6: This one is partners only!) Objectives:
- To discuss among project partners all work packages progress, tasks, next deliverables and expected results within ANSWER project.
- To collaborative drafting D8.4 - Interim Multi-stakeholder forum report, based on the views expressed and recommendations gathered during the 1st Multi-Stakeholder Forum.
- To revise in detail tasks within WP8 and WP9, update the work plan and next steps.
Do not miss further updates!